Mirela (Director of UK, Northern and Eastern Europe, Marketing)

1) Describe your job in three words. Engage. Clarify. Inspire.
2) What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now? Connecting with libraries in new and distant lands.
3) Best thing about being part of the KU-Team? It’s all about Open Access.
4) Worst thing about being part of the KU-Team and being on the road? Not getting on a direct flight to Berlin.
5) Who would you most like to swap places with for the day? Much younger me.
6) What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid? Anything that involved books, writing and the pursuit of knowledge.
7) Last book you read? I just re-read The Year of Magical Thinking (Joan Didion)
8) Website you visit the most? Youtube (for music and inspiring lectures)
9) What’s in your coffee? Just coffee. Strong.
10) Tell us something we don’t know? When not consumed by my Ph.D. research, I write short stories, prose poetry and flash fiction.