Knowledge Unlatched’s Plan-S Journal Program

Knowledge Unlatched's Plan-S Journal Program
Berlin, 13.02.2019. We, at Knowledge Unlatched (KU), have thought of a transformative model to implement the requirements of Plan S.
The momentum to transition journals into completely Open Access titles is picking up. Plan-S, amongst other developments, calls for a change for most existing journal business models.
The cOAlition S has set the goal that: “… from 2020, scientific publications that result from research funded by public grants must be published in compliant Open Access journals or platforms”. For many journals, publishing quality research and contributing largely to the scientific community, the implementation of these requirements resembles a challenge for their business model.
Attached to this article you'll find a presentation, in which we would like to present to you, a general overview of how we believe a stable transition to a Plan S Compliant Open Access journal can be realised.
We are looking forward to help publishers in their effort to get their journal portfolio Plan-S compliant and work on advancing Open Access as a whole.
About Knowledge Unlatched (KU): Knowledge Unlatched (KU) offers free access to scholarly content for every reader across the world. Our online platform provides libraries worldwide with a central place to support Open Access models from leading publishing houses and new OA initiatives.
Knowledge Unlatched:
Philipp Hess