Knowledge Unlatched Webinars for Librarians in April 2020: Open Research Library and Language Science Press

We would like to draw your attention to two forthcoming webinars which will be held in several regions of the world and to which Librarians may now register for (free of charge and non-binding). We expect both webinars to last for a maximum of 45 minutes and will be recording them. Please register for the webinar(s) of your choice below, then you will receive the download link. Please feel free to share this invitation with any colleagues who might be interested.
Open Research Library:
We invite you to join us in a short presentation of the new hosting platform Open Research Library (ORL) which was launched in its full version in January of this year. In view of the current restrictions being faced by almost all countries around the world it is more important than ever that scholars and students have free and easy access to quality research-level content. The ORL already hosts around 26,000 open access books, and other formats such as videos and posters will be added soon.
In the webinar we would like to give you a brief overview of what the platform is and how it can benefit you and your users. As well as giving a short demo of the key functionality for users we will focus on the discovery aspect of the platform, and how you can index title data, thus hopefully increasing the usage of the content. We will also show you the options for libraries wishing to take advantage of customised features such as a branded microsite and custom curations. At the end there will be some time for your questions and comments.
The webinars will take place on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th April and there are several to choose from depending on your region. Please register your non-binding interest by clicking on the relevant registration link.
ORL Webinar for Librarians in Asia-Pacific
28th April at 3pm Sydney time
Register here.
ORL Webinar for Librarians in Europe & Middle East
28th April at 11am Central European time / 10am UK time
Register here.
ORL Webinar for Librarians in North America
28th April at 12pm Eastern time / 9am Pacific time.
Register here.
ORL Webinar para Bibliotecários no Brasil & Portugal
29th April at 10 am Brazil / 2 pm Portugal time
Register here.
Language Science Press:
Together with Sebastian Nordhoff from Language Science Press (LSP), we would like to invite you to join us in a webinar where Sebastian will briefly present the LSP initiative, the LSP community, and some highlights for the coming round.
LSP is the leading academic-led Open Access initiative in the field of Linguistics and much of its success is due to the very active community of linguists, now totalling over 1,000 members. The community has also played an active role in promoting the Language Science Press initiative to institutions worldwide. Thanks to the cooperative financing model, there are no publishing costs to authors as these are covered by the funding from institutions from all over the world.
Due to the success of the first round in 2017, and in order to promote a sustainable model, we are pleased to announce the renewal of the initiative into a second round and invite institutions to support the LSP initiative once more.
The webinars will take place on Tuesday 21st April and there are two to choose from depending on your region. Please register your non-binding interest by clicking on the relevant registration link.
Language Science Press Webinar for Librarians (Europe & Middle East):
21st April at 11am Berlin time / 10am UK time
Register here.
Language Science Press Webinar for Librarians (North America):
21st April 12pm Eastern Time / 9am Pacific time.
Register here.