
Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology



Migration and Development Studies 2025-2027


Open Anthropology 2025-2027

HAU Books


Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology



    • Among the most innovative publishing initiatives of the social sciences.

    • One of the most reliable sources of social science information on the web, as each entry has been peer-reviewed by at least three world-leading experts.

    • The Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology (OEA) is inclusive, as its authors, staff and reviewers come from around the world.

    • Grows organically as anyone who is qualified can suggest entries and write them, free of charge.


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Migration and Development Studies 2025-2027


    • Frontlist publications covering the topics of international migration and movement as well as the social implications of economic and environmental change on communities.

    • Includes titles from the Forced Migration series as well as Integration and Conflict Studies and the Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology series, among others.

    • Features Berghahn Books’ most action-oriented anthropology portfolio aimed at achieving the widest impact that its research insights make possible.


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Open Anthropology 2025-2027


    • Ground-breaking Subscribe-to- Open (S20) project developed in partnership with Libraria. The pilot was successful and shows that the S2O model can be sustainable.

    • S20 seeks to take what is working well in the current system and applies it to achieving a sustainable and potentially universal model for Open Access journals.

    • Libraries can upgrade to the full collection and contribute to the success of the BOA which, from 2022 onwards, includes the newest addition to the portfolio: Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale.


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HAU Books


    • HAU Books is the book publishing wing of the Society for Ethnographic Theory (SET).

    • The aim is to ensure  that anthropologists‘  precious ethnographic findings can return  to the communities  studied by the scientists in a free and shareable form.

    • No author-facing costs.


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