New KU Title Selection Committee


Knowledge Unlatched is happy to announce that the first Title Selection Committee has now been established following a nominations process. The committee will be voting on front and backlist titles in the Humanities and Social Sciences that publishers have submitted for the next KU Open Access collections: KU Select 2016. The votes will assure relevance and quality standards, and will lead to a thematically curated shortlist.

The new Title Selection Committee consists of 40 members in 12 countries and will serve for two years. The list of librarians can be found here.

KU Select 2016 follows on from the successful unlatching of new books earlier this year, bringing the total to over 100 Open Access books. This time we will offer both new books and complementary older books that will be useful to both students and researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our greatly expanded programme is in its planning stage and we will make public the new books soon.

Apr-May: Submission of titles by publishers
June: Selection process completed by Library Selection Committee
July: Metadata & website preparation, publishers finalise author permissions
Sep-Jan: Library pledging period followed by invoicing and unlatching.

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