Migration and Development Studies 2025-2027
Open Anthropology 2025-2027
Among the most innovative publishing initiatives of the social sciences.
One of the most reliable sources of social science information on the web, as each entry has been peer-reviewed by at least three world-leading experts.
The Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology (OEA) is inclusive, as its authors, staff and reviewers come from around the world.
Grows organically as anyone who is qualified can suggest entries and write them, free of charge.
Migration and Development Studies 2025-2027
Frontlist publications covering the topics of international migration and movement as well as the social implications of economic and environmental change on communities.
Includes titles from the Forced Migration series as well as Integration and Conflict Studies and the Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology series, among others.
Features Berghahn Books’ most action-oriented anthropology portfolio aimed at achieving the widest impact that its research insights make possible.
Open Anthropology 2025-2027
Ground-breaking Subscribe-to- Open (S20) project developed in partnership with Libraria. The pilot was successful and shows that the S2O model can be sustainable.
S20 seeks to take what is working well in the current system and applies it to achieving a sustainable and potentially universal model for Open Access journals.
Libraries can upgrade to the full collection and contribute to the success of the Berghahn Open Anthro which, from 2022 onwards, includes the newest addition to the portfolio: Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale.
HAU Books is the book publishing wing of the Society for Ethnographic Theory (SET).
The aim is to ensure that anthropologists‘ precious ethnographic findings can return to the communities studied by the scientists in a free and shareable form.
No author-facing costs.