KU Journal Collection
Welcome to our journal page. Here you can view and access some of the journals we have unlatched so far. Please contact the publisher directly for questions about submissions and find more information on submissions of articles on their website.
The Scrinium: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography, established in 2005, is an international scholarly periodical devoted to patristics, critical hagiography, and Church history. Its scope is the ancient and medieval Christian Church worldwide, but especially Eastern / Oriental Christianity and Christian Origins. Each volume is focused on a specific subject (covering no less than 60% of the whole volume) formulated in the individual title of each volume.
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Focaal ā Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology is a peer-reviewed journal advocating an approach that rests in the simultaneity of ethnography, processual analysis, local insights, and global vision. It is at the heart of debates on the ongoing conjunction of anthropology and history
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The Journal of Language Contact (JLC) is a peer-reviewed journal. It provides a forum for discussion of general perspectives and accepts contributions of any orientation on the principle that reasoned argumentation enriches our understanding of language contact.
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Journal of Language Contact.
Published since 1990, Anthropological Journal of European Cultures (AJEC) engages with current debates and innovative research agendas addressing the social and cultural transformations of contemporary European societies.
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Anthropological Journal of European Cultures.
This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for scholarly exchange between anthropologists and other social scientists working in and on the Middle East. The journal's aim is to disseminate a better understanding of Middle Eastern cultures.
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Anthropology of the Middle East.
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes ambitious and rigorous scholarship in contemporary social and cultural anthropology. The journal draws on a range of theoretical and political traditions.
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The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology.
Migration is at the heart of the transformation of societies and communities and touches the lives of people across the globe. Migration and Society is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal advancing debate about emergent trends in all types of migration.
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Migration and Society.
Rigorous scholarly research of the social and cultural conditions of organized violence is fundamental to addressing questions of local and global conflict and its impact on the human condition. Conflict and Society expands the field of conflict studies by using ethnographic inquiry to establish new fields of research and interdisciplinary collaboration.
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Conflict and Society.
Environment and Society publishes critical reviews of the latest research literature on environmental studies, including subjects of theoretical, methodological, substantive, and applied significance. Articles also survey the literature regionally and thematically and reflect the work of anthropologists, geographers, environmental scientists, and human ecologists from all parts of the world
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Environment and Society.
The Journal of Legal Anthropology (JLA) is a peer-reviewed journal committed to anthropological understandings of socio-legal and cultural encounters. The journal develops ethnographic and theoretical approaches to a wide range of issues that reveal the significance and presence of legal phenomena in everyday life.
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Journal of Legal Anthropology.
LATISS ā Learning and Teaching is a peer-reviewed journal that uses the social science disciplines of sociology, anthropology, politics, international relations and social policy to reflect critically on learning and teaching practices in higher education and to analyse their relationship to changes in higher education policies and institutions.
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Learning and Teaching.
Museum Worlds: Advances in Research is a multidisciplinary, refereed, annual journal that publishes work that significantly advances knowledge of global trends, case studies, and theory relevant to museum practice and scholarship around the world. Museum Worlds aims to trace and comment on major regional, theoretical, methodological, and topical themes and debates.
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Museum Worlds.
Religion and Society: Advances in Research responds to the need for a rigorous, in-depth review of current work in the expanding sub-discipline of the anthropology of religion. In addition, this important, peer-reviewed annual aims to provide a dynamic snapshot of developments in the study of religion as a whole and encourages interdisciplinary perspectives.
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Religion and Society.
Sibirica is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the region and relations to neighboring areas, such as Central Asia, East Asia, and North America. It provides a forum for scholars representing a wide variety of disciplines from around the world to present findings and discuss topics of relevance to human activities in the region or directly relevant to Siberian studies.
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Social Analysis is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to exploring the analytical potentials of anthropological research. It encourages contributions grounded in original empirical research that critically probe established paradigms of social and cultural analysis. The journal expresses the best that anthropology has to offer by exploring in original ways the relationship between ethnographic materials and theoretical insight.
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Social Analysis.
The Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, a peer-reviewed journal launched by The Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics, plays a vital role to foster high-quality research in Chinese linguistics and related fields with a special focus on historical-comparative investigation and dialect research.
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Bulletin of Chinese linguistics
The International Journal of the Commons is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal, dedicated to furthering the understanding of institutions for use and management of resources that are (or could be) enjoyed collectively.
These resources may be part of the natural world (e.g. forests, climate systems, or the oceans) or they may be created (e.g. infrastructures such as irrigation systems, the internet or (scientific) knowledge, for example of the sort that is published in open-access journals).
The IJC is an initiative of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC).
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International Journal of the Commons
Anthropology in Action (AIA) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles, commentaries, research reports, and book reviews in applied anthropology.
Recent themes and articles have included the anthropology of welfare, transferring anthropological skills to applied health research, design considerations in old-age living, museum-based anthropology education, cultural identities and British citizenship, feminism and anthropology, and international student and youth mobility.
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the journal pursues two aims: 1. To publish research methods and results which deal with studies within the different categories of the Middle Ages as a subject, and 2. to offer a forum for studies in all other important European languages and thus stressing and furthering the internationality of this particular field of research. The time frame is approx. the 5th to the 16th century, corresponding with the geographical boundaries of Latin Christianity in the High Middle Ages.
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Research Ethics is aimed at all readers and authors interested in ethical issues in the conduct of research, the regulation of research, the procedures and process of ethical review as well as broader ethical issues related to research such as scientific integrity and the end uses of research. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).
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Research Ethics
Econometrics is an international peer-reviewed open access journal on econometric modeling and forecasting, as well as new advances in econometrics theory, and is published quarterly online by MDPI.
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Games is a scholarly peer-reviewed open access journal of strategic interaction, game theory and decision making published quarterly online by MDPI.
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Humanities is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access journal for scholarly papers of exceptionally high quality across all humanities disciplines. Humanities is published quarterly online by MDPI.
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Laws is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access journal of legal systems, theory, and institutions, and is published quarterly online by MDPI.
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International Journal of Financial Studies is an international, peer-reviewed, scholarly open access journal on financial market, instruments, policy, and management research published quarterly online by MDPI.
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International Journal of Financial Studies
Religions is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal on religions and theology, published monthly online by MDPI.
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Risks is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access journal for research and studies on insurance and financial risk management. Risks is published quarterly online by MDPI.
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Social Sciences is an international, open access journal with rapid peer-review, which publishes works from a wide range of fields, including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, political science, psychology, social policy, social work, sociology and so on. Social Sciences is published monthly online by MDPI.
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Social Sciences
Societies is an international peer-reviewed open access journal of sociology published quarterly online by MDPI.
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Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) was established in 1979 by the late Professors Edward Said and Ibrahim Abu-Lughod. Since its inception, ASQ has been a refereed academic journal that publishes articles on the Arabs, their history and social and political institutions. The journal is committed to promoting a humanism grounded in research as a counter to the dominant Orientalist discourses in the field of Arab (and Middle East) Studies.
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Arab Studies Quarterly
Bethlehem University Journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published annually by the Office of the Dean of Research at Bethlehem University. BUJ (Bethlehem University Journal) welcomes original articles on a variety of topics from different disciplines in both Arabic and English. BUJ encourages interdisciplinary research and research methodologies that integrate contributions from multiple disciplines.
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Bethlehem University Journal
The Walter Rodney Foundation seeks to improve lives and build capacity through scholarship and programs, which promote education, health and human development from a social justice perspective.
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Groundings: The Journal of the Walter Rodney Foundation
Decolonial Horizons/Horizontes Decoloniales is an intellectual hub for the exploration of scholarship between global politics and religious discourses. It confronts years of systemic scholarly racism by privileging frameworks generated in the networks of the Global South. This journal welcomes the contributions of authors working in a broad disciplinary spectrumāincluding but not limited to history, anthropology, philosophy, sociology, political science, cultural studies, critique of political economy, religious studies, and literature.
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Decolonial Horizons
The International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies addresses the key problematic of the construction of difference within intersecting, asymmetrical power relations. It brings together an integrated critique of hierarchical relations of privilege, domination and oppression on all axes of difference. The journal therefore provides a decolonial anti-disciplinary intellectual forum in which plural, just, and ethical sociological imaginations can be cultivated and expanded.
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International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies
International Journal of Cuban Studies is a quarterly, peer-reviewed academic journal providing a publication opportunity for scholarly work on Cuba and related topics. It encourages submissions from the whole range of disciplines and from multi-disciplinary perspectives. The IJCS aims to provide a forum for objective investigation and informed debate on the nature of the Cuban experience. The journal takes a broad view of the emerging and diverging positions held within Cuba and outside.
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International Journal of Cuban Studies
A new international and interdisciplinary journal in the field of Disability Studies. This Journal and its companion Digest (open-access) will publish cutting-edge scholarship and research by authors concerned with challenging injustices relating to disability and building inclusive societies.
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International Journal of Disability and Social Justice
The Institute of Employment Rights Journal serves the trade union movement in the UK and Commonwealth. It deals with labour law, with most of the authors being labour barristers discussing British and European law.
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Institute of Employment Rights Journal
The Islamophobia Studies Journal (ISJ) is a bi-annual publication that focuses on the critical analysis of Islamophobia and its multiple manifestations in our contemporary moment. ISJ is an interdisciplinary and multi-lingual academic journal that encourages submissions that theorizes the historical, political, economic, and cultural phenomenon of Islamophobia in relation to the construction, representation, and articulation of āOtherness.ā
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Islamophobia Studies Journal
The Ameena Gafoor Institute is working on publishing the Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies, the purpose of which is to create a unique and unprecedented academic space where the study of indentureship, as a distinct form of unfree labour, can be analysed in all its forms. The Journal will be peer reviewed and will be published semi-annually. No such Journal currently exists anywhere in the world, in spite of the critical importance of indentureship to world history.
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Journal for the Study of Indentureship and its Legacies
The Journal Of Fair Trade is a new international journal launched to reclaim the best practices and values that contribute to mutuality and fairness in trade. The Journal aims to be a source of the leading research on Fair Trade and its companion website provides a forum, and funnel for new work, ideas and debate. It is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed title published by Pluto Journals with the first issue appearing in June 2018. The Fair Trade Initiative (a membership organisation supported by the Pluto Educational Trust) runs the Journal.
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Journal of Fair Trade
The Journal of Global Faultlines attempts to cover the evolving current world situation by looking at global problems from a variety of different and overlapping perspectives: economic, political, philosophical, cultural, educational, geographical, social, and historical, among many others. The journal aims to provide ongoing open forums to discuss and analyze global problems and developments from critical perspectives or viewpoints, and thus improve understanding of the underlying forces shaping the destiny of the world in the 21st century.
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Journal of Global Faultlines
Intersectionality is an intellectual expression of the cultural wars that have risen out of the USAās civil rights movement on campuses across the nation. The journal will give expression to the complex of categories in class, gender, and nationality that have been the outcome of this movement over the last 30 years.
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Journal of Intersectionality
Policy Perspectives is the flagship journal of the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), an Islamabad based independent Pakistani think-tank. Biannual, with occasional special issues, the journal aims at disseminating the research carried out by the Institute and its associates based in Pakistan and other parts of the world. The journal is distinctive in combining original research papers with reflective studies and analysis on varied themes and issues. Policy Perspectives is a unique journal particularly for the international audience as it brings forth Pakistani and the Muslim Worldās perspectives on issues of national and global significance.
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Policy Perspectives
Prometheus is an international, multidisciplinary journal publishing papers on innovation, by which is meant the production, introduction and diffusion of change.
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ReOrient is dedicated to rethinking those entities and events considered to lie outside the conceptuality of Western hegemony, culturally, geopolitically and philosophically. The journal encourages a decolonial and non-orientalist approach to the analysis of the historical and contemporary political, socio-economic, and cultural processes constitutive of the Islamicate in its widest-ranging permutations. It welcomes original submissions from the humanities and social sciences that engage with the development of critical Muslim studies and related topics.
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Socialist Lawyer is the magazine of the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers founded in 1930. It provides a forum for the discussion and analysis of law and the legal system, both nationally and internationally, from a socialist perspective. It holds frequent public meetings and conducts educational programmes. The Haldane Society is independent of any political party. Membership comprises lawyers, academics, students and legal workers as well as trade union and labour movement affiliates.
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Socialist Lawyer
SCJ is administered by the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI); a multidisciplinary, cross institutional and international initiative focused on illicit practices of States. Topics may include genocide, torture, mass killings, war crimes and much more.
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State Crime Journal
This journal aims to create a single authoritative source of information on the new global division of labour, combining theoretical analysis with the results of empirical research in a way that is accessible both to the research community and to policy makers.
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Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation
In its progressive approach to analyzing the social and economic problems facing humankind, the WRPE reflects the outlook of its founding organization. The World Association for Political Economy, registered in Hong Kong, China, in 2004, is an international nongovernmental academic body founded on an open, non-profit and voluntary basis by left economists and related groups from around the world. The WAPE secretariat is based at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The present chairman is president of the Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
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World Review of Political Economy
This journal combines all the best critical, socially and politically engaged, historically grounded theoretical perspectives working toward social justice and social transformation, such as critical race theory, transnational or third-wave feminism, coloniality, subaltern studies, pan-Africanism, queer theory, disability studies, critical ethnic studies, indigenous/First Nations, non-aligned, anti-neo-colonial, and other critical interdisciplinary perspectives.
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Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies
