KU MARC Records

All MARC Records For All KU Collections

MARC records for all the Knowledge Unlatched Collections can be found on this page. All titles have been published as Open Access thanks to the support of the KU community. MARC records on this page are freely available and are updated regularly. Below you can find MARC records separated by collection and separate title lists as well as a master file which includes MARC records for all the KU titles combined.

Please make sure you are registered on our portal to receive notifications once a new batch of records is added.

MARC records can also be found via the OCLC Collection Manager, please click below to read where they can be found within the OCLC Collection Manager.


Up-to-Date Overview of All Collections and All Titles

A complete list of all KU Select and partner collections with up-to-date information about the unlatching status per title. Any title changes or substitutes are clearly marked and you can also see which titles have been withdrawn from a collection together with the reason for the status change.


MARC Records

Collection Status

Check which collections are currently active or static

Get Involved

If you have any questions about the KU MARC records, don't hesitate to contact us!