KU Select 2017 HSS Journals Renewal 2021–2023
Renewal of Successful 3-Year Model
The ground-breaking initiative from Knowledge Unlatched (KU) to support the transformation to APC-free Open Access publishing was the first of KU’s journals collections and successfully made 16 humanities and social sciences (HSS) journals available fully Open Access in 2017 for the subscription years 2018 - 2020. Thanks to the funding from over 70 libraries worldwide, researchers are able to publish their articles in these journals completely free of any author-facing charges. As the three years of the pilot will be ending at the end of this year we are seeking to renew the transformative model to ensure sustainability for at least for a further three years for four of the journals in the original collection.
A Proven Model
KU Select 2017 HSS Journals Renewal 2021–2023

- 16 journals were made available completely open access and APC-free for the subscription years 2018 – 2020 thanks to funding from institutions from all over the world
- Over 70 institutions worldwide participated in the 2017 collection
- Researchers can submit and publish Open Access without any article processing charges (APCs) ensuring a seamless process for submitting authors and eliminating APC workflows within institutions
- Our research has shown that the journals to be renewed have grown in size and relevance over the last four years (source: https://www.journalindicators.com/). The Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) of all 4 journals has grown on average by 85% over the period investigated
- The journals model has proven to be less applicable to a pure Gold Open Access (OA) publisher with strong growth ambitions in terms of publications, hence KU has decided to focus its efforts on finding transformative models for journals based on more traditional models
- KU is seeking library support for 4 journals for a further 3 years, hence the pledging price is considerably lower than in 2017
- To ensure a sustainable model and ensure that these 4 journals remain OA and APC-free we require the funding for a further 3 years from 75 institutions
- All journals are hosted on the publishers’ platforms and indexed by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- See here for the list of journals in the collection
Price per year over a period of 3 years (prices excl. any local VAT)
€ 1,075 // $ 1,205 // £ 950