Wilson (Sales)

1) Describe your job in three words. research - knowledge – sustainable
2) What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now? Working on Open Access expansion in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries
3) Best thing about being part of the KU-Team? Being part of a highly multicultural team.
4) Worst thing about being part of the KU-Team? There is much to do and time is sometimes short
5) Who would you most like to swap places with for the day? Gene Kelly. Would be nice to know how to dance like him.
6) What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid? A vet. I like animals...but I could not bear an operating room
7) Last book you read? The Neverending Story, Michael Ende (always read again!)
8) Website you visit the most? Like to chat with family and friends on facebook.
9) What’s in your coffee? The feeling that I shouldn´t drink too many. But I love it.
10) Tell us something we don’t know? I once did a meditation retreat and were 10 days without speaking. It was a challenge but I learned a lot about myself.