Publisher Team

Max Mosterd
Head of Publisher Relations
Growing the number of OA titles from publisher partners worldwide
Max is passionate about making science and education more accessible to the wider public. Towards this end, he has founded a startup, published on bibliometrics and written his Master thesis on the pricing of scholarly content. He graduated from Erasmus University Rotterdam, having studied Economics before at the Harvard University Summer School and Utrecht University.
1) Describe your job in three words. International – Entrepreneurial - Digital
2) What’s the most interesting thing you’re working on right now? Developing the analytics tool to support the development and sales of OA products on the KU marketplace
3) Best thing about being part of the KU-Team? To be able to work on a big vision with a team full of passionate and hardworking people
4) Worst thing about being part of the KU_Team? There are always enough ideas, but only so many hands
5) Who would you most like to swap places with for the day? With a top surfer like Kelly Slater, it must be an amazing feeling to be able to ride a wave like he can (working on it.. )
6) What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?Cliché, professional football player
7) Last book you read? Skin in the game, Nassim Taleb
8) Website you visit the most? Soundcloud
9) What’s in your coffee? Nothing, all black please :)
10) Tell us something we don’t know?Outside of work, I like to spent time in the boxing ring and listen to electronic music