Routledge African Studies
Open Access for African Studies
Routledge African Studies publishes a diverse range of books on all sub-disciplines of African, and African diaspora studies. Together with Knowledge Unlatched, Routledge aims to publish these books as Open Access, making them freely available and accessible to all. Africa is an increasingly important player both economically and politically and the list will cover a range of social, political and economic issues. It is expected that authorship includes both international scholars, and scholars working within the continent.

Why Support the KU Routledge
African Studies Collection?
Routledge African Studies publishes a diverse range of books on all sub-disciplines of African, and African Diaspora Studies, with authorship including both international scholars, as well as scholars working within the continent
Through a collaborative approach, libraries and research institutions worldwide can pool their funds to finance the costs of making these book titles within African Studies available as Open Access:
freely accessible for libraries and readers worldwide.
Covering the African Studies Frontlist of Routledge for the coming three years - including 150 new book titles in total (50 new book titles per annum).
Hosting & Quarterly Usage Reporting:
Hosting on the Open Research Library, Taylor & Francis eBooks and OAPEN - Quarterly usage reporting on the uptake of these titles from a variety of platforms, demonstrating the impact and uptake within your community.
Print Discounts and MARC records:
35% discount on purchases of print formats for these titles when ordering with Routledge directly - in recognition of KU participation. High quality MARC records for all book titles will be provided.
Guaranteed Access:
Libraries who pledge their support to Routledge African Studies Unlatched will be guaranteed free access to the digital version of all the books included in the collection – either to the Open Access version or the closed digital version should the full funding target not be reached.
Pledge your support for Open Access in African Studies
Price per annum for a period of 3 years. (Price excl. VAT)
50 New Frontlist Books Per Annum for a three-year period (2020 - 2022)
At a pledging price of $4,705 // €4,125 // £3,675 per annum