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Recent Webinars
KUs Open-Access-Sammlungen für Bibliotheken zur Unterstützung im Jahr 2024 (DACH)
Treffen Sie sich mit Knowledge Unlatched, während wir unsere 11. Pledge-Runde in diesem Frühling starten. Bibliotheken weltweit sind eingeladen, an einem Webinar teilzunehmen, das eine vielfältige Auswahl an Open-Access-Sammlungen und Initiativen vorstellt, die im Jahr 2024 zur Unterstützung zur Verfügung stehen.
KU-Regionalmanager Wilson de Souza und Olaf Ernst werden einen detaillierten Überblick über die Angebote dieses Jahres geben und die Verbesserungen an der Flaggschiff-Multidisziplinärsammlung von KU, KU Select, hervorheben, die sorgfältig darauf abgestimmt ist, die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Vereinten Nationen zu unterstützen.
Sie werden auch vier neue Fokussammlungen beleuchten, die wichtige Themen behandeln, die die Aufmerksamkeit von Bibliothekaren verdienen, sowie verschiedene andere HSS- und STEM-Pakete für Bücher, Zeitschriften und andere wissenschaftliche Formate. Wie immer werden Bibliothekare ermutigt, Feedback und Kommentare abzugeben.
Wir sehen uns bald!
Wann: 29. Mai, Mittwoch, 11:00 Uhr
Wilson de Souza ist der Regionalmanager für DACH.
Olaf Ernst ist Chief Solutions Officer bei KU und Oable.
Wed, 29 May
13:00 - 14:00 GMT+4
KU's Open Access Collections for Libraries to Support in 2024 (EMEA)
Join Knowledge Unlatched as we embark on our 11th round of pledging this Spring. Libraries worldwide are invited to a webinar introducing a diverse range of Open Access collections and initiatives available for support throughout 2024.
KU representatives Mirela Roncevic and Davide Fiore will provide a detailed overview of this year’s offerings and highlight the enhancements to KU’s flagship multi-disciplinary collection, KU Select, meticulously curated to align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. They will also illuminate four new Focus Collections addressing pertinent topics that warrant librarians’ attention, along with various other HSS and STEM packages for books, journals, and other scholarly formats.
As always, librarians are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
Davide Fiore is Head of Sales, EMEA, KU and Oable.
Mirela Roncevic is Director of Library Relations, KU.
Tue, 04 Jun
13:00 - 14:00 GMT+4
KU's Open Access Collections for Libraries to Support in 2024 (North America)
Join Knowledge Unlatched as we embark on our 11th round of pledging this spring. Libraries worldwide are invited to a webinar introducing a diverse range of Open Access collections and initiatives available for support throughout 2024.
KU representatives Alexandra Brown and Elaine Lambert will provide a detailed overview of this year’s offerings and highlight the enhancements to KU’s flagship multi-disciplinary collection, KU Select, meticulously curated to align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They will also illuminate four new Focus Collections addressing pertinent topics that warrant librarians’ attention, along with various other HSS and STEM packages for books, journals, and other scholarly formats.
As always, librarians are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
Alexandra Brown, Account Manager, North America, Knowledge Unlatched
Elaine Lambert, Account Manager, North America, Knowledge Unlatched
Tue, 04 Jun
21:00 - 22:00 GMT+4
KU's Open Access Collections for Libraries to Support in 2024 (United Kingdom)
Join Knowledge Unlatched as we embark on our 11th round of pledging this Spring. Libraries worldwide are invited to a webinar introducing a diverse range of Open Access collections and initiatives available for support throughout 2024.
KU representative Mirela Roncevic will provide a detailed overview of this year’s offerings and highlight the enhancements to KU’s flagship multi-disciplinary collection, KU Select, meticulously curated to align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. She will also illuminate four new Focus Collections addressing pertinent topics that warrant librarians’ attention, along with various other HSS and STEM packages for books, journals, and other scholarly formats.
As always, librarians are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
Wed, 05 Jun
13:00 - 14:00 GMT+4
KU's Open Access Collections for Libraries to Support in 2024 (Indian Subcontinent)
Join Knowledge Unlatched as we embark on our 11th pledging round this Spring. Libraries worldwide are invited to a webinar introducing a diverse range of Open Access collections and initiatives available for support throughout 2024.
KU Regional Manager Wilson de Souza and the Sales Representative for India will provide a detailed overview of this year’s offerings and highlight the enhancements to KU’s flagship multi-disciplinary collection, KU Select, meticulously curated to align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
They will also illuminate four new Focus Collections addressing pertinent topics that warrant librarians’ attention, along with various other HSS and STEM packages for books, journals, and other scholarly formats.
As always, librarians are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
See you soon!
When: June 13, Thursday, 4 pm IST
Wilson de Souza is the Regional Manager for DACH and supports the Indian Regional Sales Team.
Thu, 13 Jun
14:30 - 15:30 GMT+4
KU's Open Access Collections for Libraries to Support in 2024 (African Continent)
Join Knowledge Unlatched as we embark on our 11th pledging round this Spring. Libraries worldwide are invited to a webinar introducing a diverse range of Open Access collections and initiatives available for support throughout 2024.
KU Regional Manager Wilson de Souza will provide a detailed overview of this year’s offerings and highlight the enhancements to KU’s flagship multi-disciplinary collection, KU Select, meticulously curated to align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
They will also illuminate four new Focus Collections addressing pertinent topics that warrant librarians’ attention, along with various other HSS and STEM packages for books, journals, and other scholarly formats.
As always, librarians are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
See you soon!
When: June 18, Tuesday, 11 am SAST
Wilson de Souza is the Regional Manager for the African Continent, Australia & New Zealand, and DACH.
Tue, 18 Jun
13:00 - 14:00 GMT+4
KU's Open Access Collections for Libraries to Support in 2024 (ANZ)
Join Knowledge Unlatched as we embark on our 11th pledging round this Spring. Libraries worldwide are invited to a webinar introducing a diverse range of Open Access collections and initiatives available for support throughout 2024.
KU Regional Manager Wilson de Souza will provide a detailed overview of this year’s offerings and highlight the enhancements to KU’s flagship multi-disciplinary collection, KU Select, meticulously curated to align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
They will also illuminate four new Focus Collections addressing pertinent topics that warrant librarians’ attention, along with various other HSS and STEM packages for books, journals, and other scholarly formats.
As always, librarians are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
See you soon!
When: June 26, Wednesday, 2 pm AWST, 4 pm AET
Wilson de Souza is the Regional Manager for the African Continent, Australia & New Zealand, and DACH.
Wed, 26 Jun
10:00 - 11:00 GMT+4
KU's Open Access Collections for Libraries to Support in 2024 (Italy)
Join Knowledge Unlatched as we embark on our 11th round of pledging this Spring. Libraries worldwide are invited to a webinar introducing a diverse range of Open Access collections and initiatives available for support throughout 2024.
KU representative Davide Fiore will provide a detailed overview of this year’s offerings and highlight the enhancements to KU’s flagship multi-disciplinary collection, KU Select, meticulously curated to align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. They will also illuminate four new Focus Collections addressing pertinent topics that warrant librarians’ attention, along with various other HSS and STEM packages for books, journals, and other scholarly formats.
As always, librarians are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
Davide Fiore is Head of Sales, EMEA, KU and Oable.
Wed, 19 Jun
13:00 - 14:00 GMT+4
KU's Open Access Collections for Libraries to Support in 2024 (Spain)
Join Knowledge Unlatched as we embark on our 11th round of pledging this Spring. Libraries worldwide are invited to a webinar introducing a diverse range of Open Access collections and initiatives available for support throughout 2024.
KU representative Davide Fiore will provide a detailed overview of this year’s offerings and highlight the enhancements to KU’s flagship multi-disciplinary collection, KU Select, meticulously curated to align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. They will also illuminate four new Focus Collections addressing pertinent topics that warrant librarians’ attention, along with various other HSS and STEM packages for books, journals, and other scholarly formats.
As always, librarians are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
Davide Fiore is Head of Sales, EMEA, KU and Oable.
Thu, 20 Jun
13:30 - 14:30 GMT+4
Previous Presentations
Check out our previous presentations, webinars and keynotes to learn more about Knowledge Unlatched at the Open Research Community