All KU titles are discoverable in OAPEN’s Directory of Open Access Books, HathiTrust’s Digital Library and through library discovery tools that include: EBSCO Discovery Service, Summon and Ex Libris. Books are also listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
  • We provide supporting libraries with quarterly usage reports to guarantee complete transparency
  • Usage data is available on an institutional, regional, and national level
  • We provide libraries with support in interpreting their data
MARC Records for all KU Collections can be found on our dedicated MARC Record page here

On the KU MARC Record page you can download MARC Records for all KU Collections, per collection or records for individual batches sorted by date
By bringing together specialist researchers with librarians, publishers, and open access practitioners KU Research , an independent organisation with multiple funding sources, is working to realise the potential of OA scholarly content.

If you have any other questions, please get in touch with Tom who'll be happy to help