A New Approach Towards
Open Access Publishing in Anthropology

HAU Books is the book publishing wing of the Society for EthnographicTheory (SET), a learned society. SET is a non-profit initiative, committed to publishing the most distinguished texts in classics and advanced anthropological theory. HAU Books is supported by some of the world’s most distinguished anthropology departments and research institutions through the HAU-N.E.T. community. The SET has completed a diligent restructuring to further professionalize its society for an Open Access future

Why Support Hau Books?

Cooperative Model
The Benefits
Pricing Structure
Cooperative Model

HAU Books has developed an innovative approach to its Open Access book program and plans to ensure its sustainability through institutional funding and support of libraries worldwide.

The initiative wants to ensure that anthropologists‘ precious ethnographic findings can return to the communities studied by the scientists in a free and shareable form.

Library support will cover HAU’s maintenance expenses (clearing translation rights, copyediting and typesetting fees, tech support, graphic design, editorial support etc.) and ensures approximately 45 book titles will be published Open Access between 2019 and 2021.

Thanks to this model, prospective authors may publish their titles Open Access and bear no author-facing costs for themselves, or their institutions.

Five inter-related book series will be published online as downloadable Open Access books, and later distributed as hard copies.

The Benefits

Your support will allow HAU Books to publish approximately 45 books Open Access in the 2019-2021 period under the CC-BY 4.0 license.

These titles will be peer-reviewed, fully Open Access and free of any Book Processing Charges.

In addition, a print version from the University of Chicago Press will available on a later date.

Pricing Structure

Price per year over a period of 3 years. (Price excl. VAT)

$1,180 // €1,000 // £880


Key organisational changes to the
Society for Ethnographic Theory (SET) and HAU Books

At the start of 2019, the SET has completed a number of important organisational changes as can be seen below. The SET, and HAU Books remain committed to its innovative Open Access book publishing approach and plans to ensure its sustainability through institutional funding and the support of libraries worldwide.

If you would like to know more about KU Partners, don't hesitate to contact us!